The well-being of our guests and our team is our absolute priority, and you can be assured that your health and safety has our complete attention.
All our employees are fully aware of the current requirements and are undertaking extreme levels of health and safety procedure to ensure that the highest possible hygiene standards are maintained, throughout every aspect of our restaurant.
Measures we are taking include the constant cleaning with appropriate solutions of all hand contact surfaces, including door handles, taps and flush handles. Any member of staff returning from the affected areas abroad – or those who have family members or housemates recently returned from these regions – have automatically been asked to self-quarantine for fourteen days. We have had a policy in place of calling employees prior to their return to work to avoid any non-compliance with our policy.
Additional training on hand washing, notices and the provision of antibacterial soap and hand sanitiser have been in place for more than three weeks now. We have introduced notices and hand sanitiser in all public areas since the 27 February 2020.
On the 12th March we proactively removed 10% of all our restaurant tables to allow much greater space between tables.
We will be following developments on a daily basis and will review our procedures accordingly.
If you have any further questions, please contact. enquiries@smithandwollensky.co.uk
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and loyalty.
We look forward to seeing you soon Smith & Wollensky